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FutureMakers: Hash Kerai

Updated: Nov 10, 2022

So, we have held our first community conversation with Hashmukh (alias Hash), the 3D and motion artist from London developing edgy visuals for brands such as The Washington Post, Adidas, J2O and others. Let's meet him.

First things first. Can you tell us who Hash Kerai is?

-I am a Motion Graphic Designer and 3D Illustrator working as a freelancer in east London.

Tell us a bit about how you have been introduced to the creative/design world and what are you most passionate about?

-I originally started up my creative career in Film and Production, but then followed up my love for VFX mainly in Motion Graphics and Design.
-I have always had a real passion for moving imagery and loved creating art that can’t always be made in the physical world. Most of my personal work comes from random thoughts and ideas, that I want to illustrate in the real world using my art.

What about skills? Which of them have you been learning recently and which ones are you looking to learn?

-Recently I have been taking my skills of 3D, into Augmented Reality. It's super new to me but amazing to see how I can allow my work to be interacted with by others. My current use of AR is only in Instagram filter form, but I'd love to see where I can take it beyond that. I also am learning how to sculpt in 3d. A lot of my work involves primitive shapes that I transform, but I would love to learn how to sculpt in 3D, almost like sculpting clay in real life.  

How did you innovate and kept it going during the recent lockdown period?

-As a freelancer, down periods, are normal. Although this is a much more exaggerated version, I've done my best to set lots of mini-tasks with my spare time. I'm using this time off, which I am super fortunate to have, to learn new skills and hopefully come out have created more than every once ut's over. 

And in general? What has been your biggest struggle as a creative/designer?

-My biggest struggle from day one has been making a start, I've always had ideas but never had the strength to take the first step. This is a massive pitfall for a lot of creative people, often dreaming of doing something but only putting it off time and time again.

Where do you see your career in the near future?

-Hopefully, I can continue making more of my personal work but offering it to clients and for commercial use. The dream is to have clients approach me for my style of work, and have a creative process of seeing how we can collab with their brand/project. I would love to also reach out into other forms of creating, this being podcasts/tutorials and maybe even getting on the speaker circuit. 

Have you already achieved your dream job or goal?

-I sort of have. I am extremely lucky to be able to make a living as a freelance designer. It's incredibly tough but amazingly rewarding. There are always more things I want to do, and more success I want with it, but ultimately I would consider myself having what I have always wanted. 

In your opinion, how important is design to society and communities?

-Extremely important. Other than the obvious importance of design communication, I think design plays a massive part in culture, the way we interact, and how we all perceive this world. Without it, life would be boring and unorganised.

Which works are you most proud of? Would you like to share some?

-My proudest work has been my Freelancer Guide. I've been lucky to work with clients and brands from all around the world and have projects that have had millions of views. But my guide meant the most to be, as it was me sharing my experiences and helping others. The feedback was amazing, and knowing I could help someone in my position when I was starting out, meant a lot. It's for sure been the project that was closest to my heart.

What do you think of cultural diversity within the creative and design industries? Do you see it as an asset or a liability? How do you describe your experience?

-We are still behind on this heavily. As a person of colour working in an industry that doesn't really represent me, there are leaps to be made still. This is double-layered, not only in terms of personnel but the diversity of design and design trends. There's so much to be taken and educated about different design aspects from other cultures, especially when we are creating for them specifically.

How do you want people to remember you when it is all set and done?

-To simply have tried my best, and made art that everyone can enjoy.

3 final words that keep you inspired?

-Make cool shit.

You can follow more of Hash's work on his official website - or follow his socials @hashmukh

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